

The water quality of central air conditioning water system is very important, so the design must be considered

The central air conditioning in the normal working process, there will be water system scale, algae and slime, rust and other metal corrosion products, these substances accumulate in the heat exchanger, condenser, fan coil inside and in the pipeline, a pipeline flux becomes small, the effect of heat exchanging, more dirt because of low thermal conductivity, when dirt deposits covered in the heat exchanger surface, cooling heat efficiency will be greatly reduced, resulting in the increase of condenser pressure, cooling effect is reduced, the power consumption increased significantly. Dirt also accelerated corrosion, the central air conditioning unit life shortening. Therefore, to save power and extend from the central air conditioning unit using his consideration, central air-conditioning cleaning is an act of the country.
The central air-conditioning often decline scale, rust, the cooling effect in the process, power consumption increased, even when serious attack pressure jump phenomenon, through the perfect after cleaning the central air-conditioning refrigeration effect is improved obviously, saves the working time of compressor unit, saving electricity 10-30%, and extend the life. Such as a room, in the central air conditioning cleaning, to set the temperature to ten minutes; and the central air conditioner cleaning, to set the temperature only seven minutes, then the compressor can work less than three minutes, and then save electricity 30%. Now the situation is Chinese: central air-conditioning refrigeration effect is much less well, resulting in the extension of tightening time, a waste of electricity, after cleaning the central air-conditioning air conditioning can make normal cooling effect, shorten the crunch time, save electricity 10-30%.
One millimeter of scale will reduce the cooling capacity of the central air conditioning unit 20%-40%, and increase the condenser pressure, resulting in an increase in the load of the motor, and more consumption of electrical energy 20-30%. If the unit capacity is 1 million kcal, the equipment efficiency is 3.2kw/1 million kcal, uniform load of 80% 10 months, one year working 5000 hours a year to consumption: 100 x 80% x 3.2 x 5000 x (10-30)%=12.8-38.4 million, to 0.8 yuan per kilowatt meter, the annual waste of electricity 10.24-30.72 million (lithium bromide chiller is a waste of fuel). This waste is immeasurable and intangible.
I. importance of cleaning the central air conditioning water system
The water system of central air conditioning cooling water and chilled water is divided into two systems: 1. cooling water system mainly depends on the cooling water in cooling tower, cooling tower due to spatter and activities after full contact with air, then put in a lot of dust, air microorganism, soluble salt and corrosive gas into the cooling tower in the water, impurity concentration increasing, which brings a lot of harm to the work of the central air conditioning system.
Harm: salt, dust, bacteria, dissolved oxygen, bacteria and algae, attack scale, rust, copper accumulation in the host, and slow to filter cycle cooling effect is poor, poor cooling effect, a waste of power to shorten the life of equipment.
The refrigeration system is a closed system, accumulate little by little dissolved oxygen in water is very simple, a coil plug unit and pipeline accessories corrosion, then early decrease of cooling capacity and equipment damage, directly affects the normal work of the central air conditioning system.
Harm: water pipe wall corrosion, rust, blocking attack host coil and fan coil, the coil burst or not, to shorten the cooling effect, a waste of power equipment using life.
Two. Central air conditioning water system cleaning principle
1, through to the circulatory system to participate in GJ-2B sterilization slime stripping agent, the eradication of various kinds of bacteria and algae in the water cycle.
2. Take part in the stripping agent, peel off the biological slime in the pipe, and then remove the slime through the cycle.
3, participate in chemical cleaning agent (GJ- central air conditioning work cleaning agent), the pipeline system of floating rust, dirt, oil cleaning down, loose discharged, reduced to the surface of the metal cleaning.
4. Pre - filming agent is used to form a fine polymeric protective film on the metal surface, so as to prevent corrosion.
5, take part in corrosion inhibitors, prevent metal rust, and participate in scale inhibitors, and through the generalization effect, to prevent the accumulation of calcium magnesium crystallization. Punctuality and testing, water quality monitoring.
General air-conditioning in the use of the first year in the future, the energy efficiency ratio of eight percent (8%) attenuation; use three years after air-conditioning products, the energy efficiency ratio can be reduced by as much as twenty-five percent (25%). According to the National more than 300 star hotel: hotels now check that among the use of a variety of central air conditioning, in the next period of time, will attack decay obviously, the central air-conditioning work for a long time, the ratio of the energy attenuation can reach twenty-five percent (25%) above, which use the power of wasteful spending units.
The central air conditioning unit condenser node scale high pressure, exhaust temperature increase, high protection equipment is initiated, the central air conditioner automatic shutdown; evaporator of central air conditioning unit some water temperature below the set temperature (DEW), low temperature unit protection equipment launched the central air conditioning automatic shutdown; central air conditioning unit temperature difference water outlet cooling water is less than 2 ~ 2.5 C, the heat transfer effect is poor, the refrigerating capacity decreased, power consumption increased; central air-conditioning cooling tower of bacteria and algae and scale formation, blockage of condenser tube, high pressure stop;
The central air conditioning water inlet and chilled water temperature lower than 2 DEG C, cold release out, the effect of air conditioning; central air conditioning chilled water temperature does not drop down, not up to the set temperature, the effect of air conditioning; central air conditioning chilled water temperature can reach 7 to 8 DEG C, but the effect of air conditioning is not good; central air conditioning cooling unit of aluminum fin dust sticking, the cooling effect of air conditioning is not good.
In the central air conditioner fan coil, the scale is attached to the pipe wall, blocking the filter, reducing the flow rate and heat transfer effect; some rooms have good air conditioning effect, and some room air conditioning effects are not good; some rooms have large air conditioning volume