

Boiler softened water equipment fine talk

Date:2016/11/23Keywords:Deasun metal productsView:1954
The hardness of water mainly by the cation: calcium (Ca2), magnesium (Mg2) ion composition. When the raw water containing hardness ions passes through the resin layer of the exchanger, the calcium and magnesium ions in the water are exchanged with the sodium ions in the resin, and the resin adsorbs calcium and magnesium ions and sodium ions into the water, so that the water flowing out from the exchanger is Removal of the hardness of the ionized demineralized water.
In this case,
1 How it works
As the exchange process continues, the resin Na are all set out after the loss of exchange function, this time must use the Nacl solution on the resin regeneration, the resin adsorption of Ca2, Mg2 replacement down, the resin re-adsorption of sodium ions, Restore the softening of exchange capacity.
Boiler water treatment equipment Product structure:
1. Import control valve: the body material for the high-strength lightweight corrosion-resistant engineering plastics, lead-free brass.
2. Corrosion-resistant tank: the tank material is glass fiber reinforced plastic (carbon or stainless steel can be used in plastic tank), tank corrosion, pressure, long service life.
3. Uniform water distribution system: the use of jet water distribution, effective resin exchange capacity to give full play to the precise control of salt, without salt pump.
4. Imported high-performance resin: use strong acid cation exchange resin, low rate of damage, uniform particle size, improve ion exchange rate.
2 Applications
Widely used in industrial and civilian softened water preparation, such as: boiler water supply, heating, air conditioning system to add water, high-quality water for life.
3 Product Features
1, efficient: softened water device supporting the overall design reasonable, so that the effective exchange of resin capacity to give full play.
2, the provincial workers: a high degree of automation, no special staff on duty.
3, water: softened water device water rate of 98% or more.
4, power: the principle of siphon regeneration, without salt pump, power consumption is only equivalent to 1% of manual soft water equipment.
5, an area of small space: only need to provide resin tank and salt tank of space, saving pipe, salt pump space.
6, easy to adjust: the user can according to actual needs, to adjust the regeneration cycle and regeneration time.
7, low operating costs: the high degree of automation, water softener can adapt to changes in water volume, accurate measurement of water production, measuring the amount of regenerant to avoid renewable regeneration agent innocent waste, while saving a lot of labor costs.
4 Product System
As the multi-valve diameter restrictions, when the water production is greater than 50t / h, the multi-valve system will show a complex, cost and increase the shortcomings of the accident, when suitable for multi-valve system.
Multi-valve system consists of a number of automatic valve (hydraulic, pneumatic or electric) controller, resin tank, salt tank composition. The controller according to the pre-set procedures were issued to the automatic valve to complete the various channels of breaking, in order to achieve the operation and regeneration of the various processes.
Multi-valve system is characterized by flexible operating conditions, easy control and adjustment. Regeneration can be downstream, but also can be counter-current, especially multi-valve control to avoid the multi-valve diameter is small (usually less than 3 "), large flow can only use the shortcomings of multi-tank with 4" automatic valve control, System can handle a single tank of water up to 50t / h or more.
5 Boiler softening equipment technology introduction
Softening water treatment has five steps, different equipment work steps are basically the same, but according to the characteristics of the device will have additional procedures will be different. However, all of the softened water treatment process is based on these five steps from the extension of development
The first step is working. Softened water equipment to ion exchange resin technology based on resin adsorption effect of water quality of calcium and magnesium ions replace the final output of soft water process.
The second step, backwash. When the softened water equipment in the resin work for a certain period of time, there will be a lot of raw water into the equipment impurities adsorbed on the resin above; must go through this step backwashing the impurities washed out, the resin to work properly.
The third step, regeneration. The so-called regeneration refers to the brine into the resin, so regeneration is also known as salt. In the operation of the equipment, the brine will flow at a relatively slow rate of resin, so than just use salt water immersion resin effect is much better; therefore, most of the softened water equipment is slow salt flow through the resin regeneration method.
The fourth step, slow flushing. Slow flushing is also called displacement. Is the use of clean raw water to the resin used to regenerate the salt water rinse the process. Slow flushing is also a major part of the regeneration process because some calcium and magnesium ions are still replaced by sodium ions in the resin during slow flushing.
The fifth step, fast rinse. The flow rate of the demineralized water apparatus was adjusted to be the same as the flow rate at the time of operation, and the resin was washed again with raw water for the purpose of completely washing away the impurity remaining in the resin. This process needs to be completed in 5 to 15 minutes, and the final water must be fully consistent with the standard of softened water.
6 Boiler softening equipment role
Boiler demineralized water equipment is to prevent boiler scaling for the purpose of water treatment device, when the raw water through the softened water treatment equipment, the water contained in the original boiler can produce dirt calcium ions and magnesium ions replaced, thus extending the use of the boiler Life, but also to a certain extent, reduce fuel consumption and reduce costs.
Boiler water softening equipment in the ion exchange resin is the main material to form softened water, is a necessary condition for equipment operation. In the current boiler-type central heating, softened water equipment has become an indispensable equipment.